We have all heard the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” But when life recently dealt me some unexpected changes, I found I might be ready to make a totally new flavor instead of sticking with more of the same.
I have been in the same line of work for over 25 years, retailing high fashion jewelry through a wonderful, Biblically-based direct sales company. This business changed and challenged me in so many ways from personal development skills to leadership to finding my extroverted side when called upon. It also incredibly blessed my family financially over the years. So when the 2020 state of our world caused this company to close unexpectedly last year, it was quite a lot to take in. Although I had been slowing down over the past several years, it was still always there as a way to earn instant income when needed. So now what??
First, I had to go through a grieving process of seeing the past two and a half decades come to an end before I could begin to think about what was next. Endings need grieving, and beginnings need celebrating.
God was very gracious in presenting me with a home organization and care-giving job to take care of my immediate financial needs. This allowed me room to explore other ideas.
Over the following days and weeks, similar retailing business opportunities presented themselves, but nothing gave me that sense of peace I had when I started my business over 25 years ago. I made a list of all the things I could do and found that most of them coincided within my comfort zone. Things I have done, could do, had the skill set or giftings to do, but nothing gave me that real sense of purpose I was looking for. At 56, I was ready to try something new.
As I prayed and continued to ask God for direction, I was reminded of my heart passion and calling to be available to other women to influence and guide them in pursuing a personal relationship with God. I had three specific groups of women that I wanted to reach out to, but this was going to take a significant time commitment in my day-to-day life.
At the same time, there were a few parallel activities going on in my life that caused me to start wondering and then dreaming. The first awakened a creative side of me that I had only begun to explore over 30 years ago before I had children. While looking for a large dresser for our bedroom, it became apparent that what we wanted, and our budget did not coincide. So my husband and I began searching online for something used that might work. One popped up but it was the wrong color and style, and I thought, let me see if I can refinish and paint it to the look we want?
Other than enjoying re-decorating my home over the past year, I had not created anything hands-on since the days of going to ceramics with a best friend. In fact, I always felt like hyperventilating every time I stepped into a Michaels store! But I had so much fun with this project that I began to wonder, is this something I could do for some extra income? I was finding such joy in it and it was creating a passion in me I had not felt for many years.
Next, my middle son has always been involved in finance and marketing type interests. He recently began trading cryptocurrencies but when he would tell me what he was doing, my eyes sorta glazed over as I heard so many terms I did not understand. However, I did remember a desire I had in my 20s to work on the Stock Exchange. Where that came from … I have no idea?? Most likely a book I read! But it sounded fun and exciting and energizing!
Being at this place in life, I began to listen differently and again wondered if this was another viable option for earning income to allow me to fulfill my calling with women? So I have jumped in … and have learned there is more than one meaning to words like candles, wicks, support, and many more! Haha!
Now full disclosure … none of these new ideas have turned into a lifestyle yet. I’m still very much at the beginning stages. But I do see potential for a future here and am beyond excited that God is opening doors for me that are using entirely different parts of my brain and showing me abilities I did not know I had. I am believing and looking ahead to a day in the near future when I can begin spending more consistent time with the women God places in my life.
I decided to share this with you today because I know many of us will always take the safe route when life changes come along. It’s easier to stay in our comfort zone than it is to wonder if there is another way that may be more fulfilling.
I’m reading a great little book by Annie Downs called "100 Days to Brave" and the timing of it could not be more perfect. I had no idea when I picked it up that much of the book deals with being brave enough to follow your calling and your dreams. Here is one of many quotes I have written in my Reading Journal …
“Dream big. Be brave enough to believe that as much as you want, God could give you. We are meant to make a big impact on the planet. Bigger than we could ever dream up on our own.”
One of the things I loved about my former company is that so much was donated to missions around the globe from our sales. It made me so sad that this was ending. But this excerpt reminds me that God does want to use me and everyone else who was in our company in a big way … how I get there may just look a little different.
So for now, I continue to claim the prophet Isaiah’s words in chapter 30, verse 21 for my own:
I’m putting this out there as a way to publicly proclaim my brave and to help keep myself accountable to the calling and dreams God continues to show me. I will continue to walk forward unless He shows me differently.
I would love to hear what creative ways God has shown you for pursuing your calling, dreams, or vocation. Don’t you love that He freely shares that creativity with us when we look for it? Let’s not be afraid but go forward as women of faith who want to make an impact on the world around us.